nModel (C9200-24PXG-E) Switch “Cisco” Catalyst 9200 24-port 8xmGig PoE+, Network EssentialsnDescription Stackable 8 Multigigabit Ethernet and 16x1G PoE+ ports; supports 4x10G, 2x25G and 2x40G network modules for uplink ports; 2 power supply slots; 2 field-replaceable fans; supports StackWise-160.nDownlink 24 ports full PoE+ (8 mGig ports up to 10G, 16 ports up to 1G)nUplink NonenPoE Budget 370WnCPU UADP 2.0 Mini with integrated CPUnThroughput 261.90 MppsnSwitch Capacity 352 GbpsnMAC address 32,000nDimension 4.4 x 44.5 x 35.0 cmnWeight 5.1 kgnWarranty Lifetime
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